I have built many skills over the years building shop projects. This one was the largest I had ever attempted. Based on a design from Vol 9, Issue 50 of Shop Notes I was on my way. There were mistakes, but I learned. And, the cabinet was an excellent addition to the shop.
In 2005 when I built this, I started using SandePly from Home Depot. As of this writing in 2013 this product is still available. It is excellent shop plywood. It is 7 ply and has very few voids.
This really made the Craftsman saw very stable, which of course improved it usage. It also gave me some storage. This storage was just excellent. You can see later when I moved to a SawStop, I had to build another under the saw cabinet to continue to have the excellent storage. I did modify the design some. I did not want the complexity of the drop down wheel assemblies. If I needed to move the entire saw, I could just raise the levelers.